Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I have been on the job hunt for a couple of weeks now. CareerBuilder.com has been my best friend..i have been looking for a internship just to be ahead of the game..or just a summer job in the field I want to do in the future. I have had some good luck. I already had on interview with a company in Manassas, but I am still looking around because I dont want to have to commute that far in the summer.

Today I just got a call from another company, and they want me to go in for an interview this thursday! yayay! We will see hopefully I can pick the right job that will help me gain experience and help me figure out what I want to do for my future career!


  1. Internships are def. a good way to figure out if you really enjoy something or not! Good luck with your interview!!

  2. Good luck on your interview!

  3. I haven't had the guts to put myself on one of those sites yet; that means looking for a REAL job, in the REAL world!

    How did your interview go?
